Please support us !

As you may gather, this temple is not typical of other Japanese temples, most of which are mainly concerned with praying-for-gain, conducting funerals, or existing as sightseeing places. Accordingly, the temple does not follow the still prevalent *danka system. Therefore, our activities have been supported and funded by donations and contributions from private donors. However, it is difficult to obtain domestic support, since human rights issues like those we are dealing with are considered to be unimportant and are almost neglected in Japan. Therefore, our financial problem has been hindering us in proceeding with our work.

Your donations will be used for the following projects:

1.Continuing the campaign for the retrial of the Fukuoka Incident.
2.Planning construction of a memorial museum ( a data library ) about the life of Rev. Tairyu Furukawa and our campaign for a retrial of the Fukuoka Incident.

If you would like to make a donation to our PayPal account, please click this logo.

We will be very grateful, if you could kindly support us. Thank you !

Contact Numbers
Address:Seimeizan Schweitzer Temple 584 Ryuganji, Tamana-shi, Kumamoto-ken, 865-0061 Japan

* Danka is the system which the Tokugawa Shogunate initiated 400 years ago in an effort to yoke Buddhism to the state apparatus. During the Tokugawa Shogunate, from 1600 to 1867, Japan was governed by the warrior class headed by the Tokugawa family. They formed the political and economic basis of Japan's medieval society.